The groundhog may have seen his shadow …
but the cats are ready to breed, let’s get ready!
We have workshops scheduled to launch us into the Spring kitten season.
You can view these on our Calendar page.
Ready to learn more? Here are the quick steps to engage in a DIY TNR program with the support of Triple R Pets:
Read our About TNR page to learn more about what Trap-Neuter-Return is
Read our Need TNR Help page to learn the specifics about the Triple R Pets program
Now you are ready to Request Help through our website which will put you in contact with one of our volunteers
Attend one of our workshops that is listed on our Calendar page
Learn even more through our Colony Care and Resources pages

Our Mission:
Saving Lives.
Triple R Pets is dedicated to helping the outside cats - feral or stray, adult or kitten - live safer, healthier lives. Our long-term goal is to reduce the number of unwanted kittens born outside, thus reducing the euthanasia rate of cats and kittens in the areas where we work.
Triple R Pet’s mission is TNR in the south Cook County area, south and southwest of Chicago, in Illinois. We provide Trap – Neuter – Return education and support. We cannot remove or relocate cats. We are not an adoption rescue and we do not have a shelter facility. For a list of shelter resources, click here.
About TNR
TNR (Trap / Neuter / Return) is the humane method used to reduce the population of feral cats. Feral cats are humanely trapped, taken to a veterinarian for spay / neuter surgery, vaccination, ear-tipping and micro-chipping and then returned to the place where they were trapped to live safer, healthier lives with assistance from the caretaker who TNR’d them.
Thanks to Triple R Pets, my cats are living a healthier, happier life. I love the fall shelter building workshop every year. I refresh my outdoor shelter, meet fellow caretakers and learn some new tips and tricks.
years in the community
Triple R Pets has been assisting animals and the people who love them for fifteen years. From our humble roots on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina to our Disaster on the Home Front early TNR programs in Chicago we have been actively working to better the lives of pets and their people since 2005.
colonies assisted
Through TNR efforts in Illinois*, we have registered over 1,000 colonies in our TNR programs. These caretakers are provided guidance in the best practices of caring for colony cats along with support in providing TNR services for their cats.
* Triple R Pets provides limited support in Northwest Indiana as well
cats in our program
With over 8,000 cats registered through Triple R Pets, we are Cook County’s largest all-volunteer TNR organization. Serving the South and Southwest area of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, the program continues to grow and support the community.
Start here! Please note that Triple R Pets does not accept cats for adoption nor are we able to help relocate feral cats. Our resources are used for TNR, the way we believe we an help the greatest number of cats. If you have a question about adoption, contact the shelters listed here.
Attend a TNR Workshop
Visit our Calendar to find a workshop near you.
Events are updated frequently as we add new workshops.
Learn More About TNR
Read about our TNR Programs, find resources and consider volunteering.
If you need help, this is where to start!
Make a Donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We depend on the generous donations from our community to keep our services available.