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TNR Workshop

  • Oak Lawn Library 9427 Raymond Avenue Oak Lawn, IL, 60453 United States (map)

Join Triple R Pets at our hands-on TNR workshop. Learn how to trap, transport and return cats. Learn where the low-cost spay/neuter clinics are and what their services and costs are. Learn about your legal right to feed, water and shelter your colony in Cook County.

Our volunteers will provide hands-on training (minus the kitty) including how to set a trap. Tips and tricks for trapping even the smartest feline will be shared. Any and all questions are encouraged and will be answered.

If you intend to trap cats and let Triple R Pets help you with the financial costs, please complete the online TNR Assistance Request form before you attend a workshop.

We will be loaning traps at the Workshop, with a limit of two traps per caretaker. Please note that a $60 refundable deposit per trap is required for all trap loans (cash or check only). The deposit will be returned upon receipt of a clean, undamaged trap.

February 15

TNR Workshop