Current TNR Programs

Within Cook County, Illinois

In November 2007, Cook County, Illinois passed the Cook County Managed Care of Feral Cats Ordinance. This ordinance provides legal protection for feral cats and feral cat caretakers who are in compliance with the ordinance.

To register ferals under the Cook County Ordinance and receive the protection afforded to you and the cats, you will need to work with a Sponsor Agency, such as Triple R Pets.  If you choose to work through Triple R Pets, the following applies:

  1. Participate in a TNR effort to spay/neuter, ear-tip, vaccinate for rabies, and microchip every feral cat in your colony.  Complete the Request for TNR Assistance Form to get started.

  2. Attend a TNR Workshop with Triple R Pets.  You can find a calendar here.

  3. Trap and transport your colony cats to a low-cost spay/neuter clinic.  You can find a list here.

  4. Continue to provide food, water and, if feasible, shelter for the feral cats and abide by the Caretaker Agreement.

If you live outside our geographic area or wish to work with another Sponsor Agency.  You can check out our list of other TNR Sponsors working under the Feral Cat Ordinance in Cook County.


Triple R Pets provides support to those residing outside of Cook County. The geographic area generally covered is the South and Southwest Suburbs of Chicago and caretakers in Northwest Indiana. Support provided includes education on TNR through our workshops as well as trap loans. We provide a list of low-cost spay/neuter clinics that support the wider geographic area.